Update-Upgrade Advanced Advertising Workshop

Lecturers: Or Fialkov and Ian (Ianco) Kotliarsky

After 46 successful workshops of advanced advertising on Facebook, there was a demand to hold a more advanced workshop to keep you up to date in all the changes, innovative tools, advanced techniques and work methods to manage high level campaigns.

The workshop is designated for those of you who already have vast and extensive knowledge. Update-Upgrade is a Facebook workshop to teach you all about the most advanced tools that exist today. The lecturers own the ‘Facebook Marketing Developers’ tag, that only 15 agencies worldwide take pride in, and they are both members in the closed Facebook group.

Among the topics covered: remarketing for sales websites, WhatsApp ads, canvas ads, offline conversations.

The workshop includes practical work in a computer room.

Workshop length: 8 hours, single day (09:00-17:00)